Monday, 29 April 2019

A year or two down the road and its time to renew my Dealers license

My FEO visits, checks my stock and gets down to the matter of the .280 and is it for sale. Well its been on my stock for testing and maybe I have tested it on enough deer to make a start in sales. So I did. I sold it to my best customer, myself.

Last time my personal firearms license was renewed I met some resistance to adding the .280 to my certificate as I already had 2x 6.5 and a 7x57 as well as a number of .22 centrefires. All of them capable of the same job albeit with less overlap so I bit the bullet and banged up for sale a .243, a 6.5 and a 7x57.

The 6.5 can be found here:
In fact all of them can. So I sent in my FAC and discussed the calibre with the Deputy Manager (a nice chap) and a few days later back it came along with the 400 rounds allocated (although the chance of buying them is as slim as ever!) and the 2 additional moderators that I wanted. 
Time to do the paperwork and send in another notification!
Thats what I'm about to do so I will actually be testing my own rifle soon!
Time for gratuitous .280 porn:
 Above the original testing day, below dressed with correct scope mounts and moderator
 First deer with this rifle, a Muntjac doe in Suffolk

 The next morning the exit wound on a Muntjac Buck:
 A gold medal head Roebuck taken in Sussex last may:

Oh and the dealers license was renewed.

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I’m sad to report

 That I’m no longer able to carry on any more testing or firearms projects which I had lined up. My health conditions have got the better of...